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Energy Healing

Energy healing has been proven to be so effective that it is even used in major hospitals and health facilities around the world. Clearing, re-energizing, empowering, balancing and calming your energy field is a powerful, proven path to healing and alignment.


Positive, healing intentions sent through love, kindness and compassion can transform your energy field and in turn make you feel more at peace, in tune and healthy. 


With over 20 years of study in many different healing modalities, I offer integrated healing customized for your specific needs. 


Integrated Energy Healing is facilitated using different techniques that consist of my own energetic and powerful essence, intentions, and experience in various healing modalities.


Each client is unique, and depending on what we discuss in the beginning of our session, I may use (but am not limited to) vibrational sounds (music, crystal singing bowls, instruments), and shamanic healing. During the session, I may also use my powerful mesa (medicine bag) that includes two special meteorite rocks that were gifted to me by a high Andean Shaman in Peru. These meteorite rocks have been used to heal people for hundreds of years in his lineage, and have been passed down by generations in the shaman's tribe. 


During a session, you will lay down on a massage table, face up, fully clothed, in a comfortable position. If lying down is painful, your session will be just as effective in any position that is comfortable for you. Dress comfortably and please avoid any personal fragrance or scents.


Once you are lying down, you will relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Withdraw your participatory thought process, simply observe your inner experience, and let go.

Here's a video that was made from Maria's trip to Peru & Bolivia in 2011 where she learned shamanic healing & initiations from the Q'ero Shamans.

S C I E N T I F I C   R E S E A R C H 

The concept of each of us existing simply as energy is not a new idea. New understandings in science have changed our perceptions of what we are made of. Atoms which were once considered as the smallest particles that ever existed are in turn made up of sub-atomic energies, which have no solidity at all. Science tells us they are, quite literally, packets or waves of information that vibrate. This information or energy is in fact light, which is adapted to create our own biofield. 


We all learned in high school physics class that matter is made up of molecules. Even something that is solid, such as a table, is vibrating all the time. As humans, we, too, are vibrating.


Quantum physics has acknowledged that we are all made up of energy, as is everything around us. It is the most basic building block of life, but like the air we breathe, most people can’t see it. Energy flows through everything, and can manifest into a physical form. Even our thoughts and emotions are energy. It is just a difference in the vibrational frequency of energy that gives us the illusion of substance and separation, rather like water moving from solid ice at slower vibration, to fluids and then to steam at higher vibrations.

Our personal energies are delicately balanced, and we can become sick or feel “not quite right” when our energy flows are disturbed or blocked. 


$150 per session - 1 Hour




To set up an appointment,

please email Maria directly




The actual integrated healing session is 30-35 minutes, lying down on a massage table or yoga mat, with pillows and bolsters for comfort. I will consult with you at the beginning of our appointment to customize the appropriate energetic healing session for you. You can expect to meet with me for one hour total, which allows for discussion at the beginning, and integration at the end of each session. 


The healing occurs outside of the constraints of time and space, so more time is not necessary. The Integrated Energy Healing facilitates healing physically, mentally, emotionally and beyond, including the evolution of your very being and essence. 


Each person heals in their own way, guided by the Universe. Some will experience instantaneous healing, and others may take hours or even days to notice a difference. Some observe changes only upon reflection over a period of time, as life begins to flow more easily. The energies, once initiated through your participation and acceptance, will attune you to a more peaceful and aligned perspective which in turn can create lasting transformation for your mind, body, and soul.


While many have experienced healing during or after receiving Integrated Energy Healing, there are no claims, promises or guarantees of any particular outcome, and neither is there diagnosing nor treating specific health issues or challenges. As I facilitate healing, I proceed with the heartfelt intent that the client’s greatest good manifests, whatever that may be. I acquiesce to the wisdom of these healing frequencies, which in turn select what the appropriate healing is at that time. You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment.

D U R I N G   A   S E S S I O N

Integrated Energy Healing is facilitated using different techniques that consist of my own energetic and powerful essence, intentions, and 20+ years experience in the studies of various healing modalities.


Each client is unique, and depending on what we discuss in the beginning of our session, I may use (but not limited to) vibrational sounds (music, crystal singing bowls, and/or musical instruments), and shamanic healing. During the session, I may also use my powerful mesa (medicine bag) that includes two special meteorite rocks that were gifted to me by a high Andean Shaman in Peru. These meteorite rocks have been used to heal people for hundreds of years in his lineage, and have been passed down by generations in the shaman's tribe. 


During a session, you will lay down on a massage table or yoga mat, face up, fully clothed, in a comfortable position. If lying down is painful, your session will be just as effective in any position that is comfortable for you.  Dress comfortably and please avoid any personal fragrance or scents.


Once you are lying down, you will relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Withdraw your participatory thought process, simply observe your inner experience, and let go.

Maria's mission is to provide impeccable service with integrity, inspiration, and truth. She provides many different services and works with the highest and best intentions for her clients.


Maria Haswell is a Master Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Intuitive Guidance Counselor, and Empowerment Life Coach.  No matter what you want to improve in your life, I can help you navigate the process. Together we identify what matters most to you, what has been limiting you, and we design a personalized action plan to help you move forward.


For more information, visit

"Thank you Maria for this amazing gift! My life is forever changed because of you... After two healing sessions, my back pain is gone. I'm still having a hard time believing it, but yet, I am so grateful that I have been pain free since our healing session. I sleep better and I wake up with no pain. Thank you! "

- Charles R., Austin, TX
"I was referred to Maria Haswell by my chiropractor. I have been suffering from migraine for the past 15 years. I've tried many things but nothing worked. I've never tried energy healing before, but since my dr. recommended her, I decided to schedule three sessions with Maria. Each time I went to see her, I felt like I was improving. After I completed the third session, I was skeptical... but since my last visit a few weeks ago, I have not had a migraine yet! This is HUGE considering I used to get them daily. All I can say is WOW!"

- Melisa S., Oakland, CA

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Danville Yoga & Wellness Center




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